The Directors Round Table at Cine-Lit with Film Directors Juan Carlos Valdivia, Celina Murga, Mariana Chenillo, Carlos Marqués-Marcet, Javier Corcuera and Gabriela Martínez Escobar


  • Nancy J. Membrez The University of Texas at San Antonio



Abstract: Since its inception in 1991, the Cine-Lit film conference, sponsored by multiple Oregon universities, in conjunction with the Portland International Film Festival, has climaxed with the Directors Round Table of invitees, all auteurs, from Spain and Latin America after several days of screenings of films from these geographical areas and the presentation of academic papers. At Cine-Lit 8 (2015), we were fortunate to attend one of the best Directors Round Tables ever. Below the reader will find a translation of that conversation with six directors about problems of globalization, film financing in their countries and the local as well as the international distribution of their films.



Associate Professor of Spanish Literature, Culture, and Film, and Film Production Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures


Previously submitted with the original transcription in Spanish of the Directors Round Table.






Dossier Image and Storytelling: New Approaches to Hispanic Cinema and Literature