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Access Services in the New Century
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2016)Abstract: The spring issue of OLA Quarterly focuses on access services in the new century. How are core activities like circulation, interlibrary loan, space and stacks management changing? Staying the same? How can we better meet our patron’s needs, especially as our communities change around us? How can we ensure we are meeting the needs of all community members, especially those who are traditionally underserved? What have been our major success and victories in this new century?
Guest Editor: Turner Masland, Portland State University
Library Marketing and Communications
Vol. 21 No. 4 (2015)Abstract: This issue of the OLA Quarterly focuses on library marketing and communications in Oregon libraries. Oregon libraries provide an incredible array of resources and services, but sometimes we struggle to educate our users and each other about all that is available. Over the past several years, many libraries have become more intentional in our efforts to market and promote our offerings, through traditional PR and advertisements as well as newer approaches like social media. However, we may lack the formal training and expertise to do this well—marketing is not a class offered in all library school programs—and, even with appropriate training, we may lack the budget and staff to implement a large-scale marketing program.
How are we learning new skills and approaches to communicating with stakeholders? What has worked, and what hasn’t? What’s changed over the past few decades? Who are our audiences and how do we best communicate with them? To begin to answer these questions, we have excellent contributions from writers at large and small public and academic libraries throughout Oregon, and beyond.
Guest Editor: Joan Petit, Portland State University
Vol. 21 No. 3 (2015)Abstract: This issue of the Oregon Library Association Quarterly focuses on the theme of Mentoring.
Guest Editor: Dawn Lowe-Wincentsen, Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon Libraries: Ideas at Work
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2015)Guest Editor: Charles Wood, Aloha Community Library
Vol. 21 No. 1 (2015)Abstract: Publisher note: An updated version of the Slater, L. article was added 6.23.2015.
Guest Editor: Sara Thompson, OSU Cascades
Beyond Curation: Libraries as Creators of Cultural, Digital, and Material Things
Vol. 20 No. 4 (2014)Guest Editor: Stewart Baker, Western Oregon University
The Wide World of Support Staff
Vol. 20 No. 3 (2014)Guest Editor: Margaret Harmon-Myers, Eugene Public Library
Outside the Lines: Creativity in Libraries
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2014)Guest Editors: Ngoc-Yen Tran, University of Oregon; Serenity Ibsen, Pacific Northwest College of Art
Libraries Across the Lifespan
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2014)Guest Editors: Ayn Frazee, Rosemont Ridge Middle School; Isaac Gilman, Pacific University