LEADing the Way: UX IRL @ OSU


  • Meggie Wright Lane Community College
  • Valery King OSU Libraries




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Oregon State University Libraries and Press has reorganized its circulation, reference and building management services into a new department, focusing directly on the experience of library users. The Library Experience and Access Department (LEAD) was designed to meet evolving needs with access to user-focused, proactive, and flexible services and spaces that enrich learning, teaching and research. Our new organization gives us the opportunity to explore user experience in a comprehensive, holistic way that includes our physical space. In our first year, LEAD has investigated ways of evaluating and revitalizing in-person services, through signage and concierge service projects and collaboration with students in the OSU Department of Design and Human Experience.


Author Biographies

Meggie Wright, Lane Community College

Meggie Wright is the new OER Librarian at Lane Community College, where she works on campus-wide programs on open pedagogy, Open Educational Resources (OERs), and textbook affordability. Previously, Meggie provided reference services at Linn Benton Community College and Oregon State University. She is also an avid gardener and a proud cat mom.

Valery King, OSU Libraries

Valery King has worked at OSU Libraries since 1987, first as a library technician in cataloging and maps, and currently as Government Information and Business Librarian, which includes duties as the Federal Depository Library Program coordinator since 2002. She has been active in OLA for many years, particularly in DIGOR. Her writing and presentations focus on reference and virtual reference service, and government information resources.




How to Cite

Wright, M., & King, V. (2017). LEADing the Way: UX IRL @ OSU. OLA Quarterly, 22(3), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.7710/1093-7374.1869