Phytophthoras2020-11-24T17:38:57-08:00Jennifer Parkejennifer.parke@oregonstate.eduOpen Journal Systems<p>Plant pathogens in the genus <em>Phytophthora</em> threaten the biodiversity and sustainability of forest ecosystems worldwide. The overall aim of this journal is to provide science-based information to aid in the understanding and management of the world’s forest <em>Phytophthora</em> species. While newly emerging, damaging species are the highest priority, information on other Phytophthoras is included in an attempt to gradually elucidate Phytophthoras’ diverse roles in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. </p> chlamydospora2020-11-24T17:38:57-08:00Everett Hansenhansene@science.oregonstate.eduPaul Reeserreeserp@science.oregonstate.eduWendy Suttonsuttonw@science.oregonstate.edu2019-01-03T00:00:00-08:00Copyright (c) 2018 Forest Phytophthoras